
import * as gc from "./gc.js";
import * as utils from "./utils.js"; 
import * as internal from "./internal/computePerCellQcMetrics.js";

 * Wrapper for the RNA-based metrics allocated on the Wasm heap, produced by {@linkcode perCellRnaQcMetrics}.
 * @hideconstructor
export class PerCellRnaQcMetricsResults {


    constructor(id, raw, filled = true) {
        this.#id = id;
        this.#results = raw;

        this.#filledSums = filled;
        this.#filledDetected = filled;
        this.#filledSubsetProportions = utils.spawnArray(this.numberOfSubsets(), filled);


    // Internal use only, not documented.
    get results() {
        return this.#results;

     * @param {object} [options={}] - Optional parameters.
     * @param {boolean} [options.copy=true] - Whether to copy the results from the Wasm heap, see {@linkcode possibleCopy}.
     * @param {boolean} [options.fillable=false] - Whether to return a fillable array, to write to this object.
     * If `true`, this method automatically sets `copy = false` if `copy` was previously true.
     * If `false` and the array was not previously filled, `null` is returned.
     * @return {?(Float64Array|Float64WasmArray)} Array containing the total count across genes for each cell.
     * Alternatively `null`, if `fillable = false` and the array was not already filled.
    sums({ copy = true, fillable = false } = {}) {
        return utils.checkFillness(
            () => { this.#filledSums = true }, 
            COPY => utils.possibleCopy(this.#results.sums(), COPY)

     * @param {object} [options={}] - Optional parameters.
     * @param {boolean} [options.copy=true] - Whether to copy the results from the Wasm heap, see {@linkcode possibleCopy}.
     * @param {boolean} [options.fillable=false] - Whether to return a fillable array, to write to this object.
     * If `true`, this method automatically sets `copy = false` if `copy` was previously true.
     * If `false` and the array was not previously filled, `null` is returned.
     * @return {?(Int32Array|Int32WasmArray)} Array containing the total number of detected genes for each cell.
     * Alternatively `null`, if `fillable = false` and the array was not already filled.
    detected({ copy = true, fillable = false } = {}) {
        return utils.checkFillness(
            () => { this.#filledDetected = true }, 
            COPY => utils.possibleCopy(this.#results.detected(), COPY)

     * @param {number} i - Index of the feature subset of interest.
     * @param {object} [options={}] - Optional parameters.
     * @param {boolean} [options.copy=true] - Whether to copy the results from the Wasm heap, see {@linkcode possibleCopy}.
     * @param {boolean} [options.fillable=false] - Whether to return a fillable array, to write to this object.
     * If `true`, this method automatically sets `copy = false` if `copy` was previously true.
     * If `false` and the array was not previously filled, `null` is returned.
     * @return {?(Float64Array|Float64WasmArray)} Array containing the proportion of counts in the subset `i` for each cell.
     * Alternatively `null`, if `fillable = false` and the array was not already filled.
    subsetProportions(i, { copy = true, fillable = false } = {}) {
        return utils.checkFillness(
            () => { this.#filledSubsetProportions[i] = true }, 
            COPY => utils.possibleCopy(this.#results.subset_proportions(i), COPY)

     * @return {number} Number of feature subsets in this object.
    numberOfSubsets() {
        return this.#results.num_subsets();

     * @return {number} Number of cells in this object.
    numberOfCells() {
        return this.#results.num_cells();

     * @return Frees the memory allocated on the Wasm heap for this object.
     * This invalidates this object and all references to it.
    free() {
        if (this.#results !== null) {
            this.#results = null;

 * Compute per-cell QC metrics from the RNA count matrix.
 * @param {ScranMatrix} x - The RNA count matrix for genes.
 * @param {?Array} subsets - Array of arrays of boolean values specifying the feature subsets.
 * Each internal array corresponds to a subset and should be of length equal to the number of rows.
 * Each entry of each internal array specifies whether the corresponding row of `x` belongs to that subset; 
 * any value interpretable as a boolean can be used here.
 * Alternatively, each internal array may be any TypedArray or TypedWasmArray.
 * Each array should be of length equal to the number of rows and values are interpreted as booleans.
 * Alternatively `null`, which is taken to mean that there are no subsets.
 * @param {object} [options={}] - Optional parameters.
 * @param {?number} [options.numberOfThreads=null] - Number of threads to use.
 * If `null`, defaults to {@linkcode maximumThreads}.
 * @return {PerCellRnaQcMetricsResults} Object containing the QC metrics.
export function perCellRnaQcMetrics(x, subsets, { numberOfThreads = null } = {}) {
    let nthreads = utils.chooseNumberOfThreads(numberOfThreads);
     return internal.computePerCellQcMetrics(
        (matrix, nsubsets, subset_offset) =>
            module => module.per_cell_rna_qc_metrics(matrix, nsubsets, subset_offset, nthreads),

 * Create an empty {@linkplain PerCellRnaQcMetricsResults} object, to be filled with custom results.
 * This is typically used to generate a convenient input into later {@linkcode suggestRnaQcFilters} calls.
 * Note that filling requires use of `fillable: true` in the various getters to obtain a writeable memory view.
 * @param {number} numberOfCells - Number of cells in the dataset.
 * @param {number} numberOfSubsets - Number of feature subsets.
 * @return {PerCellRnaQcMetricsResults} Object with allocated memory to store QC metrics, but no actual values.
export function emptyPerCellRnaQcMetricsResults(numberOfCells, numberOfSubsets) {
        module => new module.PerCellRnaQcMetrics_Results(numberOfCells, numberOfSubsets),
        /* filled = */ false 